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Dictionary Suite
pay paid employment. [1/16 definitions]
pink slip (informal) a notice informing an employee of his or her dismissal from employment.
preemployment combined form of employment.
reemployment combined form of employment.
removal the process of dismissing someone from office or employment. [1/2 definitions]
remove to dismiss or force to leave office or employment. [1/11 definitions]
resign to terminate a period of employment, esp. by formal notification (often fol. by "from"). [1/5 definitions]
right-to-work law a state law that forbids an employer from refusing employment to a person on the basis of his or her not being a union member.
sit-down a strike in which workers remain at their place of employment until an agreement is reached; sit-down strike. [1/2 definitions]
terminate to end the employment of; release; fire. [1/6 definitions]
unemployable unsuitable or unacceptable for employment. [2 definitions]
welfare state a social system in which the state assumes the responsibility for the welfare of its citizens in housing, medical care, employment, and the like.
work the activity involved in a job; employment. [1/22 definitions]
workday the part of the day devoted to work or employment. [1/2 definitions]
work force the total number of workers who are actively employed in a business, industry, or nation, or who are available for employment; labor force.
work-study of or pertaining to a program, as at a college or university, that provides part-time employment for students as well as enabling them to continue their academic pursuits.
yellow-dog contract an employment contract, now illegal, in which an employee agrees not to remain in or join a labor union.