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Dictionary Suite
pedestal to place on or furnish with a pedestal. [1/3 definitions]
pillar to furnish or support with or as if with a pillar or pillars. [1/4 definitions]
preface to begin or furnish (a book or speech) with a preface. [1/5 definitions]
provide to supply (necessary things); furnish. [1/7 definitions]
refurnish combined form of furnish.
reseat to furnish with a new seat. [1/2 definitions]
resole to furnish (a shoe, boot, or the like) with a new sole. [1/2 definitions]
rewire to furnish with new wiring.
rim to furnish with a rim or serve as a rim for; border. [1/6 definitions]
spar1 to supply or furnish with spars. [1/3 definitions]
spike1 to fasten, secure, or furnish with a spike or spikes. [1/9 definitions]
spindle to furnish spindles for. [1/9 definitions]
spoke2 to equip or furnish with spokes. [1/3 definitions]
string to equip or furnish with a string or strings. [1/12 definitions]
stripe1 to furnish or mark with a stripe or stripes. [1/5 definitions]
subtitle to furnish with a subtitle or subtitles. [1/4 definitions]
tent to furnish with or lodge in tents. [1/5 definitions]
trellis to furnish with a trellis, esp. as a support. [1/4 definitions]
truss to furnish with a supporting framework or device. [1/5 definitions]
vamp1 to furnish with a vamp or repair the vamp of (a shoe). [1/7 definitions]
weather-strip to fit or furnish with weather stripping.