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Persephone in Greek mythology, the daughter of Demeter and Zeus, carried off by Hades to the underworld and thereafter permitted to spend only half the year back in the world. The myth presents this cycle of loss and return as the origin of the seasons.
phase a distinct or particular stage in a cycle of development or process of change. [1/4 definitions]
presoak a cycle on an automatic washing machine during which laundry is presoaked. [1/3 definitions]
recycle to pass or send through a cycle again. [1/3 definitions]
revolution one cycle of such motion. [1/5 definitions]
roll around to come into existence or happen as part of a repeated cycle.
roll round to come into existence or happen as part of a repeated cycle.
rotate to progress according to a cycle of succeeding events; alternate. [1/5 definitions]
rotation one cycle of circular movement around an axis; revolution. [1/5 definitions]
samsara in Hinduism, the endless cycle of every soul's birth, death, and rebirth.
Simhath Torah a Jewish festival that celebrates the end of the annual round of Torah readings and the beginning of the new cycle.
solar cycle an eleven-year cycle of recurring sunspots and other solar phenomena.
three-phase of, designating, or pertaining to an electrical circuit, system, or device powered by three alternating electromotive forces that differ in phase by one-third of a cycle, or 120 electrical degrees.
two-stroke of or designating an internal-combustion engine in which two strokes of a piston complete a fuel cycle.
upswing an upward part of a movement, as of a pendulum or cycle. [1/3 definitions]