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Dictionary Suite
pet2 a sulky mood or fit of temper; peeve; petulance.
petulant showing or inclined to show sudden or unreasonable irritation, impatience, or ill temper; peevish or sulky.
short fuse (informal) a quick or explosive temper.
spitfire a person, esp. a girl or woman, with a quick or fiery temper. [1/2 definitions]
spleen this organ regarded as the source of certain emotions or characteristic moods, esp. ill temper and spite. [1/2 definitions]
sullen silently indicating resentment or bad temper. [1/3 definitions]
tantrum a violent, noisy display of temper, esp. by a young child.
temperable combined form of temper.
tempered having a specified kind of temper (usu. used in combination). [1/3 definitions]
temper tantrum a violent, noisy display of temper, esp. by a young child; tantrum.
the last straw the final, decisive defeat, failure, indignity, burden, or the like that causes collapse, exhaustion, the losing of one's temper, or the like.
the straw that broke the camel's back the final, decisive defeat, failure, indignity, burden, or the like that causes collapse, exhaustion, the losing of one's temper, or the like.
verjuice sourness of temper, expression, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
waspish having a quick temper; snappy; irritable. [1/2 definitions]