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pilgrimage any trip made to visit a venerated place or person or to seek something important. [1/2 definitions]
press1 to seek; entreat. [1/16 definitions]
prosecute to begin or carry on legal action against (a person or group), or to seek enforcement of (a claim) through legal action. [1/5 definitions]
proselyte to seek or gain (converts); proselytize. [1/2 definitions]
quest to seek; search (often fol. by "after" or "for"). [2/4 definitions]
refugee a person forced to leave his or her home or native land to seek safe refuge, usu. as a result of war, persecution, or the like.
retire to withdraw to seek shelter or seclusion. [1/7 definitions]
run to seek office in an election. [1/36 definitions]
rut2 the periodic condition of sexual arousal in certain male animals, such as deer, during which they seek to mate. [1/2 definitions]
scrounge to seek out and gather, esp. by salvaging scraps (often fol. by "up" or "together"). [2/5 definitions]
search to seek for something by probing into. [1/6 definitions]
sensitivity training instruction in small-group relations, in which individuals seek a better awareness of themselves and others, using methods similar to group therapy.
solicit to request or seek business, donations, help, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
sought past tense and past participle of seek.
sound3 to seek to determine the attitudes or opinions of (often fol. by "out"). [1/6 definitions]
take cover to seek protection or concealment.
Thanatos (often l.c.) in psychiatry, an instinct or impulse to seek peace in nonexistence, often manifested in aggressive behavior; death instinct. [1/2 definitions]
thumb to seek (a ride) by cocking a thumb in the desired direction to attract the attention of passing motorists. [1/5 definitions]
touch (slang) to get, or seek to get, a loan from. [1/22 definitions]
tout to seek customers, votes, or the like by importunate or brazen means. [1/7 definitions]
turn to seek help or support from someone (fol. by "to"). [1/32 definitions]