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place to identify from the past. [1/21 definitions]
post code in the UK, a code made up of letters and numerals used to identify a postal address.
queer of or pertaining to people who are not heterosexual, or who do not define their sexuality as something static or in standard terms of "heterosexual "or "homosexual." The term can also apply to people who are not cisgender; that is, people who do not identify with the sex that was assigned to them at birth. [1/6 definitions]
recognize to identify (someone or something) from previous experience or contact with that person or thing. [1/7 definitions]
reidentify combined form of identify.
relate to feel a personal connection with something; identify with (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/6 definitions]
station break an interval, during or between radio or television program broadcasting, that allows a station or network to make announcements, identify itself, present commercials, or the like.
synonymy the names used to identify species or other scientific groups in various systems, or a listing of these names. [1/3 definitions]
tag1 to identify or characterize, esp. with a word or phrase. [1/9 definitions]
trademark a name, symbol, or other distinctive device used to identify a product, and usu. officially registered to restrict its use to the owner or manufacturer. [1/4 definitions]