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poison to harm or contaminate; corrupt. [1/6 definitions]
polluted made unclean, impure, unhealthy, or corrupt; contaminated.
reform to cause (someone) to abandon an evil, corrupt, or irresponsible way of living. [1/5 definitions]
reprobate having a corrupt or evil character; immoral. [1/4 definitions]
rot to corrupt or ruin morally. [1/12 definitions]
rotten morally corrupt or degenerate. [1/5 definitions]
Rules Committee the committee of the U.S. Senate responsible for overseeing matters relating to rules and procedures in the Senate, federal elections, U.S. presidential succession, qualifications of Senate members, corrupt government practices, and the administration of Senate office buildings. Most often referred to as Senate Rules Committee, the formal name is United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. [1/2 definitions]
scrofulous morally corrupt. [1/2 definitions]
seduce to lead into a course of action not considered proper or moral; corrupt. [1/3 definitions]
Senate Rules Committee the committee of the U.S. Senate responsible for overseeing matters relating to rules and procedures in the Senate, federal elections, U.S. presidential succession, qualifications of Senate members, corrupt government practices, and the administration of Senate office buildings. The formal name is United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
Sodom any place that is considered to be vicious and corrupt. [1/2 definitions]
suborn to induce (someone) to commit a crime or other corrupt deed. [1/2 definitions]
subvert to undermine the character, loyalties, or principles of (a person, institution, or the like); corrupt. [1/2 definitions]
taint to slightly corrupt or pollute. [1/5 definitions]
uncorrupt combined form of corrupt.
United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration the committee of the U.S. Senate responsible for overseeing matters relating to rules and procedures in the Senate, federal elections, U.S. presidential succession, qualifications of Senate members, corrupt government practices, and the administration of Senate office buildings. The committee is often referred to as Senate Rules Committee.
venal capable of acting dishonestly or wrongly in return for money or the like; open to accepting bribes; corrupt. [2/3 definitions]