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popgun a toy gun from which a pellet or cork is shot by compressed air with a loud pop.
puzzle a toy or enjoyable problem that requires thought, and sometimes manipulation of something, for a solution. [1/4 definitions]
rattle a noise-making toy containing loose pieces that collide when shaken. [1/9 definitions]
rocking horse a toy horse mounted on springs or rockers that is large enough for a child to ride; hobbyhorse.
sandcastle a toy castle made on a beach by molding wet sand.
security blanket a blanket, toy, or the like carried by a child for a feeling of comfort and security. [1/2 definitions]
stuffed animal a soft toy made in the shape of an animal, filled with material such as synthetic or natural fibers, small beans, or tiny plastic pellets.
Tinkertoy trademark for a child's construction toy having various wooden pieces that fit together.
top2 a children's toy in the shape of a cone that is made to spin on its point.
toy like a toy, esp. in smallness. [1/7 definitions]
trifle to toy or amuse oneself with something or someone. [1/6 definitions]
wagon a small, rectangular open cart with four wheels and a handle, used as a child's toy. [1/6 definitions]
water gun a child's toy usu. shaped like a pistol, with a mechanism that squirts water when the trigger is pulled; water pistol; squirt gun.
water pistol a toy gun that shoots a jet or stream of water; squirt gun.
whirligig something that whirls or spins, such as a child's toy or a merry-go-round. [1/3 definitions]
windup having a spring that can be wound up, as a toy. [1/3 definitions]
worry to gently press or poke; toy with. [1/9 definitions]
Yorkshire terrier an English breed of toy terrier having a long coat of silky fur that is bluish gray on the body and tan on the head and chest.
yo-yo a hand-held toy made of two thickish, usu. wooden disks connected by a peg around which a string is tied, played by holding the other end of the string and moving the hand so as to cause the disk unit to roll up and down the string, and often to spin at the end of the string. [1/3 definitions]