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pothook a hook used to hang a pot or kettle over a fire, or a rod with a hook used to lift hot pots, irons, or the like, from a stove top or fire. [1/2 definitions]
rehang combined form of hang.
ring off (chiefly British) to disconnect a telephone call by replacing the receiver; hang up.
sag to sink, hang, or bend downward in the middle. [2/8 definitions]
Spanish moss a rootless plant of gray threadlike stems that hang in long matted clusters in certain trees in the southeastern United States and tropical America.
suspend to hang (something) from a higher position. [1/7 definitions]
swag to decorate or hang with a swag or swags. [2/4 definitions]
tassel a pendant ornament made of a bunch of threads or cords of equal length that are tied together at one end and hang free at the other. [1/4 definitions]
tippet a long narrow stole with ends that hang in front, worn by some clergy members. [1/3 definitions]