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precursor one that comes before and proclaims the arrival of someone or something; indication that a specific event will soon take place. [1/2 definitions]
prefigure to give an earlier indication, image, or representation of; foreshadow. [1/2 definitions]
prognostic an indication or symptom on which to base a medical prognosis. [1/4 definitions]
promise indication of a probable future condition or occurrence. [1/8 definitions]
rale an abnormal bubbling or rattling sound in a respiratory tract, often an indication of disease.
sharply in a markedly new direction with little or no previous indication. [1/3 definitions]
show an appearance or indication. [1/16 definitions]
sign anything that indicates the presence or existence of a fact, event, quality, or tendency; indicator; indication. [3/11 definitions]
stripe1 a band of cloth or braid worn on a uniform, often as an indication of time served. [1/5 definitions]
symptom an indication or sign of something. [1/2 definitions]
thumbs-down a gesture or indication of disapproval or disagreement.
walk out to leave suddenly, esp. as an indication of anger or protest. [1/4 definitions]