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pretzel a larger, softer, heavier version of this biscuit. [1/2 definitions]
Psalter (sometimes l.c.) a book containing the Old Testament Psalms, or a version of or selection from the Psalms, for use in religious worship.
revive to present a modern version of (a theatrical work). [1/9 definitions]
rough draft a rough or preliminary sketch of a piece of writing, or a version still subject to revision.
serum albumin the commercial version of this protein, derived from ox blood and used in the treatment of shock, in fabric printing, and in foods. [1/2 definitions]
small-scale constructed with fewer details as a smaller version of an original or of a proposed model. [1/2 definitions]
textual criticism the scholarly study of a written text, as to determine authorship or the original or most authoritative version.
transcribe to write or type a copy or full version of (something dictated or heard, shorthand notes, or the like). [1/4 definitions]
trial balloon any tentative action, statement, policy, or program that is released to test public opinion before a final version is put into effect. [1/2 definitions]
variation a slightly different form or version of something, such as an artistic work. [1/3 definitions]
versification a version in verse of a work originally created in prose. [1/4 definitions]
Vulgate (l.c.) any commonly accepted or widely used text or version of a work. [1/3 definitions]