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promenade to execute a promenade in a dance. [1/8 definitions]
punch1 to execute a punch or punches. [1/6 definitions]
put to the sword to kill, esp. with a sword; execute.
Salome according to the New Testament, the stepdaughter of the Roman tetrarch of Galilee who so pleased him by her dancing that he agreed to execute John the Baptist and give her his severed head. [1/2 definitions]
square dance a lively dance in which couples form circles, squares, or other shapes and often execute steps or maneuvers as they are called out by the caller.
stunt2 to perform or execute a stunt or stunts. [1/4 definitions]
warrant in law, a judicial order or writ giving an officer of the law the right to make searches, seize property, make arrests, or execute judgments. [1/9 definitions]