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quintuplet one of five children born to a mother from a single pregnancy. [1/2 definitions]
Rh factor a substance usu. present in the red blood cells that may cause severe negative reaction if transferred, as by pregnancy or blood transfusions, into a person lacking this substance.
shotgun wedding a wedding into which one or both of the participants are forced, esp. because of pregnancy.
term the natural end of a period of pregnancy. [1/7 definitions]
twin either of two offspring born of the same pregnancy. [1/7 definitions]
Zika a virus transmitted by certain mosquitos that sometimes causes a typically mild, influenza-like illness in adults and children but that can also cause microcephaly in infants born to mothers infected with the virus. Zika is also associated with complications of pregnancy and neurological disorders in children and adults. Many people infected with the virus do not have symptoms of infection.