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railroad flat an apartment in which the rooms are arranged in a row resembling a line of railroad cars, with no connecting corridor or hallway.
rental an apartment or commercial property available for rent. [1/4 definitions]
roof garden a garden on the flat roof of an apartment house, hotel, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
salon a stylish room in a large house or apartment used for receiving and entertaining guests. [1/4 definitions]
split-level of a house or apartment, having adjacent sections a half story above or below each other.
studio a one-room apartment with a separate bathroom. [1/5 definitions]
sublease a lease of a whole or part of a property, such as an apartment, that is granted by a person who is the lessee of that property. [1/2 definitions]
tenement an apartment building, esp. one located in the poorer section of a city. [2/4 definitions]
tenement house an overcrowded, usu. run-down apartment building, esp. one in a slum area of an urban region.
two-by-four (informal) small and cramped, as a single room apartment. [2/4 definitions]
walkup an apartment or office located above the ground floor in a building with no elevator. [1/2 definitions]