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rapture of the deep the early stage of nitrogen narcosis, a condition experienced by deep-sea divers under increased air pressure that resembles the sensation of intoxication.
sage1 a person honored as very wise or experienced. [1/2 definitions]
salt (informal) an experienced sailor. [1/10 definitions]
sea dog an old experienced sailor. [1/2 definitions]
seasoned experienced in and thus fit for a particular activity. [1/3 definitions]
shellback an old experienced sailor. [1/2 definitions]
sonic barrier the large increase in aerodynamic resistance experienced by aircraft approaching the speed of sound; sound barrier.
sophisticated appealing to knowledgeable, experienced, or refined persons. [1/3 definitions]
sound1 used to express how a person or thing seems to one or is experienced by one based on the sound that the person or thing produces. [1/11 definitions]
statesman a man who is experienced in government, esp. one who shows skill, wisdom, diplomacy, and leadership in dealing with public issues such as foreign policy.
stateswoman a woman who is experienced in government, esp. one who shows skill, wisdom, diplomacy, and leadership in dealing with public issues such as foreign policy.
trip (slang) euphoria, hallucinations, or the like experienced under a drug, particularly that of the drug LSD, or the period of such an experience. [1/18 definitions]
turista severe diarrhea sometimes experienced by travelers in foreign countries, caused by exposure to bacteria in food or water (used esp. as a term for this ailment in a Latin American context.) [1/2 definitions]
unfamiliar not previously experienced or known; unusual; strange. [1/2 definitions]
unpracticed not skilled, seasoned, or experienced. [1/2 definitions]
unprecedented having no precedent; never before observed or experienced.
usual encountered, experienced, used, or happening in most instances; customary. [1/3 definitions]
vicarious experienced through imagined participation in someone else's actions, sufferings, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
well-traveled having traveled to and experienced many different places in the world.