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rattlesnake root any of various plants whose bitter roots or tubers have been thought to cure snakebite.
salt to cure, preserve, or treat with salt. [1/10 definitions]
season to dry or cure (lumber) until hardened and usable. [1/8 definitions]
snake oil any preparation that has no real medicinal value and is fraudulently sold as a cure for many ills.
treat to relieve or cure (a disease or illness). [1/11 definitions]
treatment a remedy or series of measures designed to relieve or cure a disease or ailment; therapy. [1/4 definitions]
witch doctor in some primitive societies, a person who is believed to be able to use magic or supernatural powers to cure illnesses, fend off evil, and the like; shaman; medicine man.
worm to treat for or cure of intestinal parasites. [1/11 definitions]