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Dictionary Suite
recessive in genetics, of an allele or trait whose influence or characteristic does not appear when combined with a masking or dominant allele or trait. (Cf. dominant). [2/3 definitions]
reputation recognition for a specific characteristic or trait. [1/3 definitions]
repute to consider or believe (someone or something) to have a certain trait (usu. used in the passive). [1/3 definitions]
sex-linked of a gene or genetic trait, carried on the chromosome that determines gender.
singularity an unusual trait or quality. [1/2 definitions]
stoicism the act or trait of showing little or no reaction to painful or pleasant experiences; impassiveness. [1/2 definitions]
susceptibility the condition or trait of being susceptible. [1/3 definitions]
unit character a characteristic or trait determined by one gene or a gene pair.
vessel one who is considered to hold a certain quality or trait. [1/4 definitions]
virtue an admirable trait, as in a person's character. [1/5 definitions]
vulnerability a particular trait or condition that makes one vulnerable. [1/2 definitions]