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resonance in physics, the producing of a frequency vibration in response to an external stimulus of that frequency. [1/5 definitions]
response the reaction of a living organism to a stimulus. [1/3 definitions]
sensor anything that is capable of registering physical quantities, as of light or temperature, and sending signals that indicate the level of the stimulus.
stimulate to act as a stimulant or stimulus. [1/2 definitions]
synesthesia a phenomenon in which a stimulus applied to one part of the body causes a sensation in another, as when a smell produces the visualization of a prior experience.
taxis1 the movement of an organism toward or away from an external stimulus. [1/2 definitions]
threshold the point at which a stimulus produces a response. [1/3 definitions]
-tropic turning or changing in (such) a way or in response to (such) a stimulus. [1/2 definitions]
-tropism an organism's attraction to, or repulsion from, a stimulus.
tropism in biology, the turning or growth of an organ or organism toward or away from an external stimulus such as light, gravity, or nutrients.
-tropy the condition of turning or changing in (such) a way or in response to (such) a stimulus; -tropism.