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Dictionary Suite
reveille a call sounded early in the morning to waken or alert people, esp. a bugle call for troops to assemble.
sharp mentally quick; alert. [2/16 definitions]
sharp-eyed keenly observant; alert. [1/2 definitions]
sleep to be very inactive or not alert. [1/9 definitions]
sleepless constantly alert or moving, or unable to fall asleep. [1/2 definitions]
swift quick to respond or act; alert; prompt. [1/7 definitions]
vigilance a condition or quality of being alert and attentive; watchfulness.
vigilant keenly alert and attentive; watchful, esp. for danger.
wake1 to become aware or alert. [1/8 definitions]
wakeful alert; vigilant. [1/3 definitions]
waken to rouse to a more active or alert state; stir. [1/3 definitions]
warn to alert to possible harm, trouble, or danger; caution. [1/6 definitions]
watch to look or wait in alert expectation (usu. fol. by "for"). [3/10 definitions]
watchful closely or attentively observant; alert; vigilant.
watch out to be alert and careful with respect to some danger (often fol. by "for" or a clause beginning with "that"). [1/2 definitions]
wide-awake alert or watchful. [1/2 definitions]