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rook1 to cheat, swindle, or overcharge. [1/2 definitions]
screw (slang) to take advantage of or cheat. [1/17 definitions]
sharper one, esp. a professional gambler, who deals dishonestly with others; swindler; cheat.
shortchange to treat in a dishonest or unfair manner, esp. to cheat or swindle. [1/2 definitions]
skin (slang) to swindle; cheat. [1/8 definitions]
stack to secretly arrange (the cards in a deck) in order to cheat. [1/9 definitions]
stick2 (informal) to cheat. [1/19 definitions]
sting (slang) to overcharge or otherwise cheat. [1/9 definitions]
swindle to cheat, esp. by deceit; dupe. [1/4 definitions]
thimblerig to cheat by, or as by, a game of thimblerig. [1/2 definitions]
trick something done to deceive, cheat, or outwit someone. [2/15 definitions]
trickery the use of tricks, esp. to deceive, outdo, or cheat. [1/2 definitions]
victimize to cheat, deceive, or swindle. [1/2 definitions]