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root canal a dental procedure in which the root canal is opened, cleaned, and then filled. [1/2 definitions]
ship canal a canal navigable by ocean-going ships.
shipway a ship canal. [1/2 definitions]
spinal cord the thick cord of nerve tissue that extends through the inner canal of the spinal column from the base of the brain to the end of the spine of any vertebrate animal.
Suez Canal a canal in northeastern Egypt across the Isthmus of Suez, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
Theodore Roosevelt the 26th President of the United States (1901-1909), who had earlier fought in the Spanish American War in a cavalry regiment of his own formation called the Rough Riders. As president, Roosevelt worked to reform big business, show America's power to the world, create the Panama Canal, and to protect much of America's wilderness (b.1858--d.1919).
towpath a path along the bank of a river or canal trodden by animals or people towing boats.
vagina in most female mammals, the passage leading from the uterus to the external genital opening; birth canal. [1/3 definitions]
watercourse a natural or artificial channel, such as a river bed or canal, through which water flows. [1/2 definitions]
water right the right to use water from a certain lake, canal, stream, or the like. [1/2 definitions]