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Dictionary Suite
scrum a rugby play in which the forward players of each team mass together around the ball and try to kick it to teammates in the rear. [1/2 definitions]
seek to try to find; search for. [3/4 definitions]
set one's cap for to try to attract as a husband or wife.
shit (slang) to tease or try to deceive. [1/11 definitions]
snap to grab or try to grab something suddenly with the teeth. [2/21 definitions]
snatch to seize or try to seize something, esp. with a quick or sudden movement (usu. fol. by at). [1/8 definitions]
solicit to try to obtain (business, recruits, donations, help, or the like) by persuasion, formal request, or pleading. [3/6 definitions]
strive to try or work hard; exert oneself. [1/2 definitions]
stuff in the United States, to put invalid votes into (a ballot box) in order to try to win an election by means of fraud. [1/10 definitions]
sumo (sometimes cap.) a kind of Japanese wrestling in which two very large men try to win by forcing each other out of a ring or by causing each other to touch any part of the body other than the bottoms of the feet to the ground.
syncretize to try to bring together or make (ideas or philosophies) compatible.
tackle to try to master or solve (something difficult). [1/7 definitions]
take a fling at (informal) to attempt or try one's skill at.
take a stab at to attempt or try, esp. with little chance of success.
take a whack at (informal) to attempt (a task or action); try.
tear2 to try to rip or remove (usu. fol. by "at"). [1/12 definitions]
tease to kid or try to provoke a person or persons in a playful or mocking way. [1/9 definitions]
tempt to entice or try to entice (someone) to do something unwise or wrong, as by promising pleasure or reward. [1/4 definitions]
treasure hunt a game in which players try to find hidden items, often with the help of written clues.
tried past tense and past participle of try. [1/3 definitions]
urge to prompt, strongly encourage, or try to persuade to take up a course of action. [1/7 definitions]