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scutum a large shield used by infantrymen in ancient Rome. [1/2 definitions]
shield to protect (a person or thing) by or as if by using a shield. [2/7 definitions]
sunbonnet a large fabric hat with a deep brim and a back flap that shield the face and neck from the sun.
umbrella a usu. portable or movable shield against the rain or sun, consisting of a collapsible canopy attached to and supported on radiating ribs joined to a central rod or stick. [1/4 definitions]
visor a movable flap above the inside windshield of a vehicle, used to shield the eyes from glare. [1/4 definitions]
windscreen (chiefly British) a transparent, usu. curved pane of glass or plastic mounted in front and usu. at eye level of the driver, rider, or pilot of a vehicle to shield him or her from wind; windshield.
windshield a transparent, usu. curved pane of glass or plastic mounted in front and usu. at eye level of the driver, rider, or pilot of a vehicle to shield him or her from wind. [1/2 definitions]