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sea level the surface level of the sea, esp. the mean between high and low tide, which is used as a standard in calculating land elevations and sea depths.
shoal1 an elevated ridge or area in the bottom of a body of water, esp. one that is uncovered at low tide; sandbar. [1/6 definitions]
tidal dependent on or timed according to the tide, as a ship that departs at high tide. [1/2 definitions]
tidal pool a body of seawater that remains as a rocky pool on the shore when a tide recedes; tide pool.
tide to ebb and flow like the tide. [2/6 definitions]
tideless combined form of tide.
tidemark the mark or line left by debris deposited by a receding tide. [1/2 definitions]
tide pool a body of seawater that remains as a rocky pool on the shore when a tide recedes; tidal pool.
tidewater water brought up or affected by the tide. [2 definitions]
water the level of a body of water as determined by the tide. [1/14 definitions]
watermark a mark that shows how far a tide or body of water has risen. [1/3 definitions]