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Dictionary Suite
shagreen the rough skin, covered with bony denticles, of certain sharks or dogfish, used as an abrasive. [1/3 definitions]
skinny extremely thin and bony. [1/2 definitions]
skull the bony framework of the head and face in vertebrates. [1/3 definitions]
spavin a disease affecting the hock joint of horses, characterized by swelling caused by excess fluid or bony growth. [1/2 definitions]
spiny-finned having fins that are supported by spinelike, bony rays.
splint an abnormal bony growth on or enlargement of the splint bone in a horse or related animal. [1/3 definitions]
stegosaur any of several plant-eating dinosaurs having a small head and a double row of bony plates and spikes along the backbone.
swim bladder an inflated sac that extends lengthwise against the upper side of the body cavity of most bony fishes, its purpose being to regulate hydrostatic pressure.
triceratops any of several three-horned, plant-eating dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period that had a bony plate covering the neck area.
trunkfish any of various tropical fishes with a boxlike body that is covered with fused bony plates from which only the mouth, eyes, fins, and tail protrude.
yolk sac a membranous sac that nourishes the embryos of primitive mammals, bony fishes, sharks, reptiles, and birds. [1/2 definitions]