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sonic depth finder an instrument that uses sonar to measure underwater depths.
sonobuoy a buoy that receives and amplifies underwater sound signals and transmits them by radio.
sponge any of various aquatic animals with a porous body and a tough fibrous or calcareous skeleton formed of irregular clumps or branched masses that are attached to underwater surfaces. [1/10 definitions]
subaqueous designed, formed, or adapted for life or use under water; underwater. [1/2 definitions]
tamarack the wood from these trees, used esp. for underwater construction, as of piers or docks. [1/2 definitions]
tidal wave an unusual rise or incursion of the sea, caused by an underwater quake, a hurricane, or the like; tsunami. [1/2 definitions]
torpedo any of various devices designed to explode underwater, esp. a submarine mine. [1/6 definitions]
tunnel an underground or underwater passageway, as for a railroad through a mountain or for a road under a river or city. [1/6 definitions]
ultrasonography the use of high-frequency sound waves to image a fetus, internal body structures, or objects that are underwater.
undersea pertaining to, located, carried on, or intended for use beneath the surface of the sea; underwater. [2 definitions]
water glass a tube or box with a glass bottom, used for underwater observation. [1/4 definitions]