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Dictionary Suite
soubrette a pert, saucy, or flirtatious maidservant or lady's maid in a comic play or opera, or the actress or singer who plays such a role.
stand-up consisting of a comic performance done alone on stage, or characterized by the presenting of such performances. [1/4 definitions]
strip2 a series of pictures or images joined together horizontally or vertically that tell a story or illustrate something; comic strip; filmstrip. [1/3 definitions]
superhero a fictional character found in cartoons, comic strips, or movies that possesses special powers beyond those of human beings and uses these powers for good.
superman (cap.) the hero of an American radio and comic book series. [1/2 definitions]
uncomic combined form of comic.
variety show a show on television, in a nightclub, or in a theater that is composed of different kinds of acts such as songs, dances, and comic skits.
vaudeville a stage show that consists of a variety of songs, dances, comic skits, and the like.