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Dictionary Suite
subkingdom in taxonomy, a category indicating a primary subdivision of a plant or animal kingdom.
suborder a major subdivision in an order of animals or plants; group of related families.
subphylum any major subdivision of a phylum; group of related classes of living things.
subsection a subdivision of any of the sections of something, esp. a document or other written work.
subspecies a subdivision of a plant or animal species that shows differences from others of the same species, as a result of difference in geographical location or time period.
subtopic a subdivision of a larger topic.
topic a subdivision or heading, as in a written outline. [1/3 definitions]
township a subdivision of a county, usu. having some authority for local government.
twp. abbreviation of "township," a subdivision of a county, usu. having some authority for local government.
verse1 a subdivision of a song. [1/4 definitions]