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swim to feel dizzy or faint. [1/10 definitions]
swoon to lose consciousness; faint. [1/3 definitions]
tincture a slight or faint amount or appearance; trace or tinge. [1/5 definitions]
ting a single high, clear, usu. faint ring, as of a small bell. [1/2 definitions]
tinge to impart a faint or slight trace of something to. [2/4 definitions]
tinkle to make faint or light ringing sounds, as small chimes. [1/4 definitions]
twilight the faint light of the sky when the sun is below the horizon either after sunset or just before sunrise. [1/7 definitions]
weak not intense; faint. [1/7 definitions]
wisp a faint or fleeting trace or hint. [1/4 definitions]
woozy giddy, faint, or queasy, as from illness or intoxication. [1/2 definitions]
zodiacal light a faint band of illumination along the ecliptic, often visible in the west just after sunset or in the east just before sunrise, that is thought to be caused by the reflection of sunlight from a cloud of particles around the sun.