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tailor to make or alter (a suit, coat, or the like). [1/4 definitions]
tamper1 to meddle so as to damage, alter, or render something ineffective or harmful (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/2 definitions]
temper an ingredient added to something to alter or modify its characteristics. [1/11 definitions]
translate to alter the form of; convert. [1/6 definitions]
turn to alter the course or direction of. [2/32 definitions]
turn over a new leaf to alter one's behavior for the better; make a new start.
twist to alter the shape of; disfigure. [1/19 definitions]
usufruct in civil law, the right to use or gain the benefits of another's property, provided that one does not damage, waste, or otherwise alter it.
variometer in electronics, a variable inductor consisting of two coils, the positions of which may alter the electromagnetic inductance. [1/2 definitions]
vary to change; alter; modify. [1/4 definitions]
wear to adopt, display, or alter one's appearance by. [1/15 definitions]