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Dictionary Suite
technology an area of knowledge or expertise concerning the practical applications of science and industry, or the collective methods and inventions that are produced through research in such areas. [2 definitions]
telemarketing the use of the telephone as a sales tool in research and promotion, processing orders, and the like.
thesis an essay or dissertation, esp. one based on research or critical study, submitted as a requirement for an advanced academic degree. [1/4 definitions]
think tank (informal) an institute or center, often funded by a government or corporation, that is staffed by people who research and analyze complex problems with a view to practical applications.
U. abbreviation of "University," an educational institution devoted to learning and research and authorized to award degrees on both the graduate and undergraduate levels (used in a proper name).
uncharted not recorded on any map or chart; unexplored or unknown, as some geographical area or field of research.
university an educational institution devoted to learning and research and authorized to award degrees on both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
vivisection the act or procedure of operating on or dissecting a live animal, esp. for scientific or medical research.
vivisectionist one who practices or advocates operating on live animals for scientific or medical research.