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Dictionary Suite
terminus the end of a railway line, trolley line, or bus route. [1/4 definitions]
third rail an added rail that carries the electric current in an electric railway or subway.
trackage the right of one railway system to use the track owned by another. [1/3 definitions]
tram1 a small railway, as for hauling loads in a mine, or a car used on such a railway. [1/4 definitions]
Transcontinental Railroad the U.S. railway completed in 1869 that was the first one to connect cities of the Atlantic coast with those of the Pacific coast. [2 definitions]
tube (chiefly British; informal) an underground railway system. [2/8 definitions]
turnout a widening in a highway that allows cars to pass, or a similar place along a railway line. [1/4 definitions]
vestibule an enclosed entrance to a railway passenger car. [1/3 definitions]
yardage2 the use of a pen or enclosure to hold livestock at a railway station before or after transportation by train. [1/2 definitions]