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Dictionary Suite
timbale creamed chicken, seafood, vegetables, or the like baked in a drum-shaped pastry shell. [1/2 definitions]
tracksuit a matching jacket or sweatshirt and pants designed to be worn during exercise or warm-up.
tune-up (informal) something done as a preparation or warm-up before an important event. [1/2 definitions]
turtledove any of various small or medium-sized doves, esp. a European one that makes a soft cooing sound. [1/2 definitions]
uakari monkey any of several species of medium-sized, tree-dwelling monkeys with long fur and bald heads that inhabit the Amazon Basin.
vasectomy a surgical operation in which a male's sperm-carrying tube is cut and tied or removed, as a means of birth control.
veery a small brown and cream-colored thrush, common in the Eastern United States and noted for its liquid song.
vellum a heavy, cream-colored paper that resembles this. [1/4 definitions]
Vouvray (sometimes l.c.) a medium-dry, sometimes sparkling white wine produced esp. in the province of Lorraine, in France.
wallaby any of various marsupials native to Australia and strongly resembling small or medium-sized kangaroos.
warm-up referring to garments, aids, or activities employed in a warm-up. [1/4 definitions]
wigeon either of two medium-sized, mostly brownish pond ducks, the males of which have light-colored crowns; baldpate.
wildcat any of various medium-sized wild cats, such as the bobcat, lynx, and ocelot. [1/6 definitions]
wolf spider a small- to medium-sized spider that hunts its prey rather than using a web.
wormy affected or damaged by worms; worm-eaten. [1/3 definitions]