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undisposed not inclined or willing (usu. fol. by an infinitive). [1/2 definitions]
unto to (except when to is used in an infinitive). [1/2 definitions]
use used in the past tense in order to show a former habitual practice or state (fol. by an infinitive with "to"). [1/12 definitions]
used to functioning as an auxiliary verb followed by the infinitive marker "to," used to describe an action or state that existed in the past but does not happen or exist now. [1/2 definitions]
verbal noun a noun that is derived from a verb; gerund, such as "driving" in "He hates driving," or infinitive, such as "to swim" in "She loves to swim".
would just as soon used to indicate a secondary preference if a first option is not available, or a preference that may not be or may not appear to be highly desirable but is still more acceptable than the other option or options that one is given (usu. fol. by an infinitive without "to" but can also be followed by a noun).
would rather used to express a preference for one thing over another (usu. fol. by an infinitive of a verb without "to" or a clause in the subjunctive mood, but can also be followed by a noun).