G |
abbreviation of "general audiences," a film rating signifying that a film is appropriate for viewers of all ages. |
g1 |
abbreviation of "gram," or "grams," the basic unit of weight in the metric system, equal to one thousandth of a kilogram or 15.43 grains. |
g2 |
the seventh letter of the English alphabet. [2 definitions] |
g3 |
abbreviation of "gravity," or "gravities," the force by which a planet or other such body tends to draw objects toward its center. |
Ga |
symbol of the chemical element gallium. |
GA |
abbreviation of "Georgia," a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between South Carolina and Florida. |
ga. |
abbreviation of "gauge," a standard of measuring, as for the distance between railroad tracks, the thickness of wire, or the inner diameter of shotgun barrels. |
gab |
(informal) to talk idly or at length about something unimportant. [2 definitions] |
gabardine |
a sturdy fabric of rayon, cotton, or wool twill. |
gabble |
to speak rapidly and unclearly; jabber; babble. [5 definitions] |
gabby |
(informal) tending to talk too much or too long; talkative. |
gaberdine |
a long, loose, coarsely woven coat worn by Jewish men in the Middle Ages. [2 definitions] |
gabfest |
(informal) a gathering for the purpose of talking and exchanging gossip. |
gabion |
a round wicker basket filled with stones or earth, used in building fortifications. [2 definitions] |
gable |
the upper triangular section of an outer building wall, formed by two sloping roof sections. [2 definitions] |
gabled |
having a gable; built with gables. |
gable roof |
a roof with two surfaces that slope down and out from a ridge to form a gable at each end. |
Gabon |
a country in west central Africa, on the Atlantic coast between Cameroon and Congo. |
Gaborone |
the capital of Botswana. |
Gabriel |
according to the Bible, an angel regarded as a messenger of God and the bearer of good news, who in later writings is referred to as an archangel. |
gad1 |
to roam aimlessly or restlessly from place to place. |