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K2 abbreviation of "Kelvin."
K3 symbol of the chemical element potassium.
K1 abbreviation of "one thousand" (esp. used to refer to dollars).
k the eleventh letter of the English alphabet.
K2 the second-highest mountain in the world, located in Kashmir; Godwin Austen.
Kaaba a building in the courtyard of the Great Mosque in Mecca, to which Muslims make a yearly pilgrimage.
kabala see "cabala."
kabob (usu. pl.) small pieces of meat, sometimes interspersed with vegetables, cooked by roasting on a skewer; shish kebab.
kabuki a form of Japanese popular drama using male actors for both male and female roles, and with highly stylized acting, music, and dancing.
Kabul the capital of Afghanistan.
kachina among the Hopi Indians, any of various minor deities or ancestral spirits, or a doll, dancer, or dancer's mask representing such a spirit.
Kaddish an ancient Jewish prayer recited during the daily service. [2 definitions]
kadi variant of cadi.
kaffee klatsch see "coffee klatsch."
kaffir (derogatory) in South Africa, a black person.
kaffiyeh a cloth headdress that is draped over the head and held with a cord wound around the head, worn by Arabs for protection from dust and heat.
kaftan variant of caftan.
Kailash a large mountain in the Himalayas that is considered sacred in a number of religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. In Hinduism, Kailash is believed to be the home of Shiva.
kaiser an emperor of Germany from 1871 to 1918.
kaiser roll a large baked roll with a hard crust, used for sandwiches.
Kalahari a desert of southern Africa occupying a large area of Botswana as well as parts of Namibia and South Africa (prec. by "the").