-y1 |
full of; made of; characterized by. [4 definitions] |
-y2 |
condition; quality. [4 definitions] |
Y |
symbol of the chemical element yttrium. |
y |
the twenty-fifth letter of the English alphabet. [4 definitions] |
ya |
you (spelled to reflect informal pronunciation). |
yacht |
any of various sailing or motor-driven vessels used for private cruises, racing, or the like. [2 definitions] |
yachting |
the act, practice, or sport of sailing, cruising, or racing in a yacht. |
yachtsman |
a man who owns or navigates a yacht. |
yachtswoman |
a woman who owns or navigates a yacht. |
yah |
used to express defiance, scorn, or ridicule. |
Yahoo |
in the eighteenth-century novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, one of a race of brutish, degraded, humanlike creatures. [3 definitions] |
Yahweh |
a rendering of the pronunciation of the letters YHVH, used in Hebrew to represent the unutterable name of God; Jehovah. |
yak1 |
a heavily built, long-haired, wild or domesticated ox of Tibet and Central Asia. |
yak2 |
(slang) to talk long and idly; chatter. [2 definitions] |
yakitori |
a Japanese dish consisting of bite-sized pieces of marinated meat, usu. chicken, that is placed on skewers with vegetable pieces and grilled. |
Yalta Conference |
the February 1945 meeting of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at Yalta, Crimea, U.S.S.R. |
yam |
the edible starchy, tuberous root of a tropical climbing plant, or the plant itself. [2 definitions] |
yang |
(sometimes cap.) in Chinese dualistic philosophy, the active, positive, bright, and masculine force in the universe and in individual beings. (Cf. yin.) |
Yangon |
former capital city of Myanmar, also known by its older name in English, "Rangoon." |
Yangtze |
see "Chang Jiang." |
Yangtze River |
see "Chang Jiang River." |