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parts of speech:
preposition, conjunction
Note, Homophone Note
part of speech: preposition
definition 1: used to indicate the purpose, aim, or destination of an action.
He was heading for the door.They worked for reform.
definition 2: used to indicate receipt or benefit.
There is help for the needy.She bought a card for her mother.
definition 3: as the result of.
She was rewarded for her efforts.
definition 4: used to show duration or continuance.
We walked for an hour.
definition 5: with respect to.
It's surprisingly cold for June.
definition 6: in order to do or obtain.
He went to the supply cabinet for pencils.
definition 7: in favor of.
We're all for changing the rule.Are you for us or against us?
against, con
similar words:
in favor of
definition 8: in exchange for.
I'll give you fifty dollars for that old bookcase.
definition 9: in spite of; notwithstanding.
She is quite serious about the matter for all her kidding around.
definition 10: by reason of; because of.
They clapped for joy.
definition 11: indicating.
This is the symbol for infinity.
definition 12: on behalf of; in representation of.
He speaks for all of us.
similar words:
in favor of
part of speech: conjunction
definition: since; because.
I won't go, for I'm not feeling well.
for or since?
For tells how long an action or state has continued over time. Since tells when an action or state began.
  • I have lived here for five years.
  • I have lived here since 1999.
Homophone Note
The words for, four, and the prefix fore- sound alike but have different meanings. "Fore-" is a prefix meaning "in front." You do not have a forhead; you have a forehead.