2," a form of punishment or humiliation, used esp. in former times by the military, in which two rows of people beat someone who is forced to run between them. : to lay down (railroad tracks) so as to construct a gantlet.... See the full definition" /> 2," a form of punishment or humiliation, used esp. in former times by the military, in which two rows of people beat someone who is forced to run between them. : to lay down (railroad tracks) so as to construct a gantlet.... See the full definition" />
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gaent liht
parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb
Word Combinations (noun)
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a portion of railroad tracks made up of two separate but overlapping tracks, usu. constructed at a narrow place, such as a tunnel or bridge.
definition 2: variant of "gauntlet2," a form of punishment or humiliation, used esp. in former times by the military, in which two rows of people beat someone who is forced to run between them.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: gantlets, gantleting, gantleted
definition: to lay down (railroad tracks) so as to construct a gantlet.