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X-ray [or] x-ray

eks reI
parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, adjective
Word Combinations (noun, adjective), Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
inflections: x-rays
definition 1: a beam of high-energy photons that is able to ionize gases and pass through dense solids.
Scientists have found many uses for X-rays.
definition 2: a photograph made with such a beam.
The doctor ordered an X-ray of my leg to see if any bones were broken.
definition 3: the act or process of using X-rays to create a photograph.
The patient was asked to hold his breath during his chest X-ray.
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part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: X-rays, X-raying, X-rayed
definition: to photograph, treat, or examine using x-rays.
The technician X-rayed the patient's foot.The security staff X-ray all bags and packages taken onto the airplane.
part of speech: adjective
definition: of or relating to X-rays.
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  film, photography, skeleton