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move in

move in

part of speech: phrase
definition 1: to become situated in a new home or place of business.
The house is being painted now, so we'll move in when the painting is finished.
definition 2: to cause or help (someone) to become situated in a new residence or business location.
My uncle has a truck and he's going to move us in next week.
definition 3: to begin living in the same place as someone else.
There were three us of in the apartment before my sister moved in.
definition 4: to bring (someone) into a new living situation with others.
All of us were upset when one of our housemates moved in her boyfriend.
definition 5: to come forward in order to take control of or help out in a bad situation.
The National Guard moved in to settle the disturbance.When more troops moved in, it turned the tide in our favor.
definition 6: to cause (troops or the like) to intervene in a bad situation.
The governor moved in the National Guard to quell the unrest.