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break up

part of speech: phrase
definition 1: to break (something) into pieces or sections.
To get the fire started, you need to break up those big logs.
definition 2: to be or become divided into pieces or parts.
The poem breaks up into three main sections.
definition 3: to cause (something) to end.
Someone should break up that fight before somebody gets seriously hurt.
definition 4: to go in separate ways; disperse.
With the spectacle over, the crowd began to break up.
definition 5: to end a romantic relationship; separate.
He said he wants to break up with me!The couple broke up in June.
definition 6: to lighten (something intense or monotonous) by means of periodic breaks or shifts in activity or mood.
To break up the three-hour seminar, refreshments were served halfway through.The lecture was rather long, but questions from the students helped to break it up.
definition 7: (informal) to cause laughter in (someone).
His impersonations always break me up!
definition 8: (informal) to succumb to laughter.
I broke up when I saw her baffled expression. She looked so funny!
definition 9: (informal) to fill (someone) with strong emotion.
Seeing his ex-wife with another man really broke him up.
definition 10: (informal) to be overcome with strong emotion.
I'd never seen him cry, but he broke up when he saw his grandchild for the first time.