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parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
Word Combinations (verb, noun)
part of speech: transitive verb
pronunciation: ri start
inflections: restarts, restarting, restarted
definition 1: to cause (something) to begin afresh or to begin operating again.
His stay at the rehabilitation center helped him restart his life.The car's engine died, and I couldn't restart it.
definition 2: to cause (an active computer) to start its operations anew without shutting down.
After installing the program, restart your computer.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to begin operation again.
The incident caused a disruption, but the competition has restarted now.
definition 2: of active computers, to start operations anew without shutting down.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: noun
pronunciation: ri start
definition: the act of restarting.
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