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parts of speech:
intransitive verb, transitive verb, noun
cough up
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word Builder, Word Explorer
part of speech: intransitive verb
inflections: coughs, coughing, coughed
definition 1: to release air noisily and spasmodically from the lungs as a result of illness or foreign matter in the respiratory system.
Hours after the fire was put out, we were still coughing.He's been coughing all night and feels miserable.
definition 2: to emit a noise like that of coughing.
The failing engine coughed a few times, then refused to start again.
part of speech: transitive verb
definition: to eject or bring up by means of coughing (often fol. by "up").
People with tuberculosis often cough up blood.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: noun
definition 1: an instance of coughing.
Several coughs could be heard from throughout the audience.He could restrain his cough no longer and had to go out into the hallway.
definition 2: an illness with coughing as a main symptom.
I had a dreadful cough that lasted for weeks.
definition 3: any noise like that of coughing.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: cough up
derivation: cougher (n.)
Word Builder: cough +
  • cough drop:
    a candy with medicine to help stop a cough.
  • cough syrup:
    a liquid medicine to help stop a cough.
Word Explorer
  air, disease, virus