Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
barrier island a long narrow sandy island formed parallel to a shore protecting it from erosion.
Cat Ba Island the largest of the 366 islands in Halong Bay off the coast of northern Vietnam.
Ellis Island an island in Upper New York Bay where, from 1892 to 1943, millions of incoming immigrants to the U.S. were processed. The facility on the island is now a museum that illuminates the immigration experience.
floating island a dessert of soft custard having whipped cream or meringue floating atop it. [2 definitions]
Hood Island the seventh-largest island of the Galápagos Islands, celebrated for its population of giant tortoises.
island of Langerhans see "islet of Langerhans."
Long Island an island in southeastern New York State that includes two of the boroughs of New York City.
Prince Edward Island a Canadian Maritime Province on an island east of New Brunswick.
Rhode Island a New England state on the Atlantic coast between Connecticut and Massachusetts. (abbr.: RI)
Rhode Island Red any of an American breed of chicken with dark reddish brown feathers, that produces brown eggs.
Rhode Island White any of an American breed of chicken with white feathers and a red comb.
Roanoke Island an island off the coast of North Carolina, where colonists brought by Sir Walter Raleigh established the first English settlement in North America in 1585.
sea-island cotton a type of long-fibered cotton grown in tropical America.
Thousand Island dressing a salad dressing of mayonnaise mixed with chili sauce, sweet pickle relish, or the like, giving it a speckled appearance.
traffic island an area, usu. marked or elevated, in a roadway that separates traffic lanes or provides protection for pedestrians, traffic controllers, or the like.