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box turtle any of several North American land turtles with a hinged shell that can completely enclose the body; box tortoise.
green turtle a large marine turtle, common in warmer waters, whose flesh is often used to make turtle soup or other dishes.
mock turtle soup a clear soup made from calf's head or veal, and seasoned to taste like green turtle soup.
mud turtle any of several small freshwater turtles of the Western Hemisphere.
musk turtle any of a family of small aquatic turtles having a heavy, musky scent.
sea turtle any of the species of large marine turtles with paddle-shaped limbs, such as loggerheads and leatherbacks, found in warm-water seas.
snapping turtle any of several large freshwater turtles with powerful hooked jaws and a rough shell.
turn turtle to capsize in such a way that the boat is upside down in the water; overturn.