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Multi-word Results
as good as essentially equal to; practically the same as.
Cape of Good Hope a cape on the Atlantic at the southern tip of Africa.
do good to do things that help or positively affect others.
do somebody good to have a beneficial effect on someone.
for good forever; permanently.
for good measure as an additional thing; as an extra.
good afternoon used to say hello or good-bye in the afternoon.
Good Book the Bible (usu. prec. by "the").
good cheer cheerful, optimistic, or courageous spirits. [3 definitions]
Good Conduct Medal in the U.S. military, a medal awarded to servicemen for dutifulness, efficiency, and loyalty.
good day used as expression of greeting or farewell in the daytime.
good evening used to say hello or good-bye during the evening.
good faith a state of honesty, sincerity, and good intentions (usu. prec. by "in").
Good Friday the Friday before Easter Sunday, commemorated by Christians for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
good guy (informal) the leading, and morally decent, character of a fictional story. [4 definitions]
good humor a pleasant, cheerful, amiable mood.
good looks attractive personal appearance; handsomeness; beauty.
good morning used as an expression of greeting or farewell in the morning.
good nature a pleasant, cheerful, amiable disposition; geniality.
good night used as an expression of farewell at night.