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analog computer a computer that uses physical quantities such as pressure or electric voltages to represent data. (Cf. digital computer.)
computer graphics images produced with computer technology, or the technology itself. [2 definitions]
computer lab a room providing access to numerous computers, typically found in a school, library, government institution, or private company. Use of a computer lab is free in public institutions and also in private institutions when one has authorization.
computer language a system of words and symbols used to program a computer; code.
computer science the science and study of computers, including how they are made and how they work.
computer virus a code inserted into a host program that can attach itself to and seriously damage other programs, including a computer's system.
computer worm a computer program that can propagate, by itself, from host to host, often causing loss of memory space and sometimes minor harm to a system.
computer-enhanced of, involving, or pertaining to the use of a computer to improve an image, video, design, or process.
digital computer the type of computer in widest use, that represents data as discrete electrical signals and operates at high speed. (Cf. analog computer.)
laptop computer a portable personal computer, light enough to rest on one's lap.
notebook computer a thin, light computer .
personal computer a compact computer designed for individual use; microcomputer.