Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
bench show a competitive show of dogs or cats in which prizes are awarded on the basis of greatest conformity to ideal standards for a given breed.
dumb show a part of a play performed without speech; pantomime. [2 definitions]
floor show a program of entertainment in a nightclub.
freak show (old-fashioned) a sideshow of humans, animals, or plants that exhibit physical abnormalities, as at a carnival.
galanty show a shadow play performed by throwing the shadows of puppets on a screen or wall.
game show a television show in which participants play various games of chance, skill, or memory in order to win prizes.
get the show on the road (slang) to begin; get started.
medicine show a usu. small group of traveling salespeople who put on entertaining shows to attract customers for the patent medicines and other cures offered for sale.
minstrel show a comic variety show performed by a troupe of actors in blackface.
no-show (informal) one who does not arrive or appear when expected. [2 definitions]
peep show an exhibition of pictures or objects, as in a box, to be viewed through a small opening, sometimes with a magnifying lens. [2 definitions]
Punch-and-Judy show a puppet show consisting of slapstick humor in which the grotesque and quarrelsome Punch constantly fights with his wife Judy.
puppet show a play or performance in which puppets are the main or sole characters.
show (someone) around to give (someone) a casual or formal tour of a place.
show bill an advertising flyer or poster.
show business the entertainment industry or business, including theater, television, radio, and films.
show of hands a raising of hands by members of a group, as when voting, indicating preference, or the like.
show off to display one's skills or abilities for the enjoyment of impressing others or in order to attract attention to oneself. [2 definitions]
show someone the door to strongly suggest or demand that someone leave.
show the white feather to act in a cowardly fashion, esp. in wartime.