Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
altar girl a young female person who assists the clergy in religious services; acolyte.
B-girl a woman employed by a drinking establishment to act as a companion for male customers and entice them to buy expensive drinks.
ball girl a girl or young woman who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in field hockey or volleyball.
call girl a female prostitute who may be hired by telephone.
chorus girl a young woman who dances and sometimes sings in the chorus of a musical comedy, variety show, or the like.
cover girl a young woman whose picture is on the cover of a magazine.
flower girl a young girl who carries bridal flowers in a wedding procession.
girl Friday a female employee, aide, or assistant who faithfully attends to a variety of tasks.
Girl Scout a member of a U.S. youth organization for girls.
girlfriend (informal) a female with whom one has a romantic relationship. [2 definitions]
pompom girl a female cheerleader whose routines often include the use of large colorful clusters of streamers that resemble pompoms.